Master AI in 2 Hours: Boost Your Productivity & Profits

    ✅ Win back 2 hours per day.
    ✅ AI Power User in 1 session.
    ✅ Build & monetize AI agents.
    Live event ENDED.
    Purchase content on demand.
    Available until 25th August.
    ⬇ read more ⬇

    For ambitious but busy professionals, creators and entrepreneurs.

    Are you struggling to put AI to work for you?You're not alone:

    Most people don’t know even where to start with AI. They just bookmark stuff from "AI gurus".❌ Or watch passively Youtube tutorials. And end up wasting even more time.❌ Most people think you need complicated APIs and coding skills to leverage AI.❌ Most workers think they don’t need AI. And are rapidly falling behind. Or getting already fired.Are you one of them?I could go on, but in short:DON'T be like the 99% of “AI observers”. Be in the 1% that understands and puts AI to work for them.If you want:✅ The exact AI tools I use daily to win back 2-5 hours per day in my solo business owner work.✅ How to build and monetize AI agents with Voiceflow and Make. Start simple, learn skills, scale fast.✅ The strategy I use to work like a 6-man team in 1, with AI.✅ How I put AI to work while I travel the world as a digital nomad.Then welcome to your human AI class!Workshop was on August 17th.
    Get the content + extras on demand.

    Guided by a human AI expert

    (⬆ Your instructor teaching practical AI in Las Vegas, in a golden tie, to 300+ business leaders)

    Background on your instructor:Your Human Guide to AI: Alex Northstar- helped 1500+ high-performers- international speaker on practical AI- Linkedin Top AI Voice: let's connect.- helped Google as ex corporate trainer- AI automation & productivity consultantDid already public speaking and workshop experiences in Las Vegas, New York, at the university in Italy and also cooperating with AI thought leaders around the world.Solo business owner.What I give to people is what I use for myself daily, so I practice what I preach.

    (⬆ Your instructor teaching practical AI in New York, Cornell Tech, in a golden tie, to 100+ business leaders)

    (⬇ a 1 min video on this workshop, YES, I'm a real human)

    Here is what my previous students, clients and members said in the past:

    Normally priced at $3000+ (B2B)Currently at $148/spot for this small group.

    14-Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee

    Live session, NOT 10.000 prompts garbage

    I know you want to learn AI and put it to work for you. Cut through all that overwhelm and anxiety. Get the shortcut, apply what really works and get results.To win back your precious time, enjoy life and earn more.Because I checked around and so many of the "AI gurus" just throw at you 10.000 prompts...and 98% are useless and fake.So I decided to take the opposite approach:Teach practical AI to smart humans, live. Face to face.I already did it in Las Vegas and Cornell Tech, New York in front of 500 business leaders and they loved this material."Meat and potatoes" of AI.And now I look forward to helping you become an AI Power User with chatbots, tailored workflows, and the best selected AI tools to make more money, save hours each day, and triple your effectiveness.I'm opening up my limited workshop for August, where I help a small group of ambitious but busy professionals, creators and entrepreneurs, go from AI Confused to AI Power User in 1 session and win their time back.BEGINNER friendly. BUT this is NOT a theory presentation. We will use ChatGPT, Voiceflow and other tools. No coding skills required.So if you want to join the 3rd round of this results-driven AI pro group, led by a productivity and AI automation expert, I'd recommend you act FAST.Because price rises every new round, spots are limited and the event is live.IMPORTANT: "Why you?" you might be asking.Because I've been doing workshops for professionals since 5 years, for companies like Google, as an ex Google Ads trainer, I did AI workshops in New York and Las Vegas, and I also did workshops for the communities of AI thought leaders and creators, like the AI Advantage (200.000+ subscribers on Youtube).

    Investment Returns:

    With an investment of only $148, you'll save time, increase revenue, and lower costs.Gain at least 10x price in value JUST in the first month.Here's the math:
    By reclaiming 14 hours per week, assuming an hourly rate of $50...
    You'll unlock an additional $700 per week in revenue/cost saving.
    (No brainer in my opinion, if you value your time.)
    If after attending the session, you tried these tools and workflows and are not satisfied you can ask for the refund.Your investment is safe.Your peace of mind and success are my priority.

    You get YOUR valuable time back to enjoy human life or get ahead. Simple.But also:✅ AI foundations & time audit:Discover the most powerful AI tools for your business and conduct a personalized time audit to pinpoint your biggest time-wasters.(Value: Estimated 5 hours saved per week identifying automation opportunities)✅ AI task automation mastery:Automate repetitive tasks. We'll build custom AI workflows that free you up for more strategic work.(Value: Estimated 4 hours saved per week on repetitive tasks)✅ AI content creation & marketing:Leverage AI to generate content ideas, draft social media posts, and personalize marketing campaigns. Get ready to attract more clients with less effort.(Value: Estimated 5 hours saved per week on content creation and marketing)✅ VoiceFlow walkthrough and monetization:Learn the easiest and best way to build powerful AI agents for yourself, your business and your clients. You will get my templates too (Value: $5000 – I already made much more than that since I started using it)✅ Exclusive "AI Powerhouse" Masterclass:Receive my collection of selected AI tools and workflows specifically designed for solopreneurs and small businesses.(Value: Saves you countless hours of repetitive work)Bonus:
    Workshop material will be available to you forever (value $2500)
    ✅ Community & support:Network with like-minded entrepreneurs and get ongoing support from me and the cohort throughout your implementation journey.(Value: Priceless – having a supportive community can be a game-changer)From AI Confused to AI Power User in 1 session (max 12 spots)

    I can't make it at that time/day!

    Event is limited and will get more expensive in the future.If you order today you will get the exclusive material and recording if you can’t make it live.Max 12-member classroom, to ensure quality and proper support for everyone.But presence is HIGHLY encouraged!

    Helping 10.000+ smart humans get ahead with practical AI.----"The 4-Hour AI Workweek" & "The AI Pro Power Hour" are intellectual property of NorthstarB LLC Consulting & Education.Distribution and copy are strictly prohibited.- All rights reserved. 2024.